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You're viewing documentation for a deprecated version of Scylla Rust Driver. Switch to the latest stable version.
The driver is capable of fetching database schema and presenting it to its users.
Fetching database schema occurs periodically, but it can also be done on-demand. In order to fetch the newest database schema, one can call refresh_metadata()
on a Session instance:
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let uri = std::env::var("SCYLLA_URI")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
let session: Session = SessionBuilder::new().known_node(uri).build().await?;
// Schema metadata will be fetched below
Once fetched, a snapshot of cluster’s schema can be examined. The following information can be obtained:
tables belonging to the keyspace
materialized views belonging to the keyspace
replication strategy
user-defined types
primary key definition
partitioner type
Example showing how to print obtained schema information:
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let uri = std::env::var("SCYLLA_URI")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
let session: Session = SessionBuilder::new().known_node(uri).build().await?;
// Schema metadata will be fetched below
let cluster_data = &session.get_cluster_data();
let keyspaces = &cluster_data.get_keyspace_info();
for (keyspace_name, keyspace_info) in keyspaces.iter() {
println!("Keyspace {}:", keyspace_name);
println!("\tTables: {:#?}", keyspace_info.tables);
println!("\tViews: {:#?}", keyspace_info.views);
println!("\tUDTs: {:#?}", keyspace_info.user_defined_types);
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