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You're viewing documentation for an unstable version of Scylla Rust Driver. Switch to the latest stable version.
Connecting to the cluster¶
Scylla is a distributed database, which means that it operates on multiple nodes running independently.
When creating a Session
you can specify a few known nodes to which the driver will try connecting:
use scylla::client::session::Session;
use scylla::client::session_builder::SessionBuilder;
use std::error::Error;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let uri = std::env::var("SCYLLA_URI")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
let session: Session = SessionBuilder::new()
IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)),
After successfully connecting to some specified node the driver will fetch topology information about other nodes in this cluster and connect to them as well.
Best practices for using Session¶
Always try to use only a single Session object per apllication because creating them is very expensive!
The driver maintains its own pool of connections to each node and each connection is capable of handling multiple requests in parallel. Driver will also route requests to nodes / shards that actually own the data (unless the load balancing policy that you use doesn’t support it).
For those reasons, we recommend using one instance of Session
per application.
Creating short-lived Session
’s (e.g. Session
per request) is strongly discouraged because it will result in great performance penalties because creating a Session
is a costly process - it requires estabilishing a lot of TCP connections.
Creating many Session
’s in one application (e.g. Session
per thread / per Tokio task) is also discouraged, because it wastes resources - as mentioned before, Session
maintains a connection pool itself and can handle parallel queries, so you would be holding a lot of connections unnecessarily.
If you need to share Session
with different threads / Tokio tasks etc. use Arc<Session>
- all methods of Session
take &self
, so it doesn’t hinder the functionality in any way.
The driver refreshes the cluster metadata periodically, which contains information about cluster topology as well as the cluster schema. By default, the driver refreshes the cluster metadata every 60 seconds.
However, you can set the cluster_metadata_refresh_interval
to a non-negative value to periodically refresh the cluster metadata. This is useful when you do not have unexpected amount of traffic or when you have an extra traffic causing topology to change frequently.
Scylla Cloud Serverless¶
Scylla Serverless is an elastic and dynamic deployment model. When creating a Session
you need to
specify the secure connection bundle as follows:
use std::path::Path;
use std::error::Error;
use scylla::client::session_builder::CloudSessionBuilder;
use scylla::cloud::CloudTlsProvider;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let session =
CloudSessionBuilder::new(Path::new("config_data.yaml"), CloudTlsProvider::OpenSsl010)
accepts two parameters. The first is a path to the configuration file. The second parameter is responsible for choosing the underlying TLS provider library. For more information about providers supported currently by the driver, see TLS.
Note that the bundle file will be provided after the serverless cluster is created. Here is an example of a configuration file for a serverless cluster:
certificateAuthorityData: CERTIFICATE_DATA
nodeDomain: cql.cluster-id.scylla.com
insecureSkipTlsVerify: false
clientCertificateData: CERTIFICATE_DATA
clientKeyData: KEY_DATA
username: scylladb
password: scylladb
datacenterName: datacenter1
authInfoName: default
currentContext: default