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Default retry policy¶
This is the retry policy used by default. It retries when there is a high chance that it might help.
This policy is based on the one in DataStax Java Driver.
The behaviour is the same.
To use in Session
use scylla::client::session::Session;
use scylla::client::session_builder::SessionBuilder;
use scylla::client::execution_profile::ExecutionProfile;
use scylla::policies::retry::DefaultRetryPolicy;
let handle = ExecutionProfile::builder()
let session: Session = SessionBuilder::new()
To use in an unprepared statement:
use scylla::statement::unprepared::Statement;
use scylla::client::execution_profile::ExecutionProfile;
use scylla::policies::retry::DefaultRetryPolicy;
// Create a Statement manually and set the retry policy
let mut my_statement: Statement = Statement::new("INSERT INTO ks.tab (a) VALUES(?)");
// You can also set retry policy in an execution profile
let handle = ExecutionProfile::builder()
// Execute the statement using this retry policy
let to_insert: i32 = 12345;
session.query_unpaged(my_statement, (to_insert,)).await?;
To use in a prepared statement:
use scylla::statement::prepared::PreparedStatement;
use scylla::client::execution_profile::ExecutionProfile;
use scylla::policies::retry::DefaultRetryPolicy;
// Create PreparedStatement manually and set the retry policy
let mut prepared: PreparedStatement = session
.prepare("INSERT INTO ks.tab (a) VALUES(?)")
// You can also set retry policy in an execution profile
let handle = ExecutionProfile::builder()
// Execute the statement using this retry policy
let to_insert: i32 = 12345;
session.execute_unpaged(&prepared, (to_insert,)).await?;