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Paged query¶
Sometimes query results might be so big that one prefers not to fetch them all at once, e.g. to reduce latency and/or memory footprint. Paged queries allow to receive the whole result page by page, with a configurable page size. In fact, most SELECTs queries should be done with paging, to avoid big load on cluster and large memory footprint.
Issuing unpaged SELECTs (Session::query_unpaged
) may have dramatic performance consequences! BEWARE!
If the result set is big (or, e.g., there are a lot of tombstones), those atrocities can happen:
cluster may experience high load,
queries may time out,
the driver may devour a lot of RAM,
latency will likely spike.
Stay safe. Page your SELECTs.
The automated way to achieve that is QueryPager
. It always fetches and enables access to one page,
while prefetching the next one. This limits latency and is a convenient abstraction.
is quite heavy machinery, introducing considerable overhead. Therefore, don’t use it for statements that do not benefit from paging. In particular, avoid using it for non-SELECTs.
On API level, Session::query_iter
and Session::execute_iter
take a unprepared statement
or a prepared statement, respectively, and return a QueryPager
. QueryPager
to be converted into typed Stream
(by calling QueryPager::rows_stream::<RowT>
) in order to
deserialize rows.
Due to lending stream limitations of Rust,QueryPager
currently only enables deserialization of owned types (i.e., those with'static
lifetime). If you want to deserialize borrowed types (such as slices,&str
, etc.) in order to save allocations, you should use the manual paging method (described in a section Manual Paging below).
In case of unprepared variant (Session::query_iter
) if the values are not empty driver will first fully prepare a statement (which means issuing additional request to each node in a cluster). This will have a performance penalty - how big it is depends on the size of your cluster (more nodes - more requests) and the size of returned result (more returned pages - more amortized penalty). In any case, it is preferable to useSession::execute_iter
Use query_iter
to perform an unprepared query with paging:
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
let mut rows_stream = session
.query_iter("SELECT a, b FROM ks.t", &[])
.rows_stream::<(i32, i32)>()?;
while let Some(next_row_res) = rows_stream.next().await {
let (a, b): (i32, i32) = next_row_res?;
println!("a, b: {}, {}", a, b);
Use execute_iter
to perform a prepared query with paging:
use scylla::statement::prepared::PreparedStatement;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
let prepared: PreparedStatement = session
.prepare("SELECT a, b FROM ks.t")
let mut rows_stream = session
.execute_iter(prepared, &[])
.rows_stream::<(i32, i32)>()?;
while let Some(next_row_res) = rows_stream.next().await {
let (a, b): (i32, i32) = next_row_res?;
println!("a, b: {}, {}", a, b);
Statement values can be passed to query_iter
and execute_iter
just like in an unprepared statement
Configuring page size¶
It’s possible to configure the size of a single page.
On a Statement
use scylla::statement::unprepared::Statement;
let mut query: Statement = Statement::new("SELECT a, b FROM ks.t");
let _ = session.query_iter(query, &[]).await?; // ...
On a PreparedStatement
use scylla::statement::prepared::PreparedStatement;
let mut prepared: PreparedStatement = session
.prepare("SELECT a, b FROM ks.t")
let _ = session.execute_iter(prepared, &[]).await?; // ...
Manual paging¶
It’s possible to fetch a single page from the table, and manually pass paging state to the next query. That way, the next query will start fetching the results from where the previous one left off.
On a Query
use scylla::statement::unprepared::Statement;
use scylla::response::{PagingState, PagingStateResponse};
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
let paged_query = Statement::new("SELECT a, b, c FROM ks.t").with_page_size(6);
let mut paging_state = PagingState::start();
loop {
let (res, paging_state_response) = session
.query_single_page(paged_query.clone(), &[], paging_state)
// Do something with `res`.
// ...
match paging_state_response.into_paging_control_flow() {
ControlFlow::Break(()) => {
// No more pages to be fetched.
ControlFlow::Continue(new_paging_state) => {
// Update paging state from the response, so that query
// will be resumed from where it ended the last time.
paging_state = new_paging_state
If the values are not empty, driver first needs to send aPREPARE
request in order to fetch information required to serialize values. This will affect performance because 2 round trips will be required instead of 1.
On a PreparedStatement
use scylla::statement::unprepared::Statement;
use scylla::response::{PagingState, PagingStateResponse};
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
let paged_prepared = session
.prepare(Statement::new("SELECT a, b, c FROM ks.t").with_page_size(7))
let mut paging_state = PagingState::start();
loop {
let (res, paging_state_response) = session
.execute_single_page(&paged_prepared, &[], paging_state)
let rows_res = res.into_rows_result()?;
"Paging state response from the prepared statement execution: {:#?} ({} rows)",
match paging_state_response.into_paging_control_flow() {
ControlFlow::Break(()) => {
// No more pages to be fetched.
ControlFlow::Continue(new_paging_state) => {
// Update paging state from the response, so that query
// will be resumed from where it ended the last time.
paging_state = new_paging_state
For the best performance use prepared statements. See statement types overview.
Best practices¶
Query result fetching |
Unpaged |
Paged manually |
Paged automatically |
Exposed Session API |
Working |
get all results in a single CQL frame, into a single Rust struct |
get one page of results in a single CQL frame, into a single Rust struct |
upon high-level iteration, fetch consecutive CQL frames and transparently iterate over their rows |
Cluster load |
potentially HIGH for large results, beware! |
normal |
normal |
Driver overhead |
low - simple frame fetch |
low - simple frame fetch |
considerable - |
Feature limitations |
none |
none |
speculative execution not supported |
Driver memory footprint |
potentially BIG - all results have to be stored at once! |
small - only one page stored at a time |
small - at most constant number of pages stored at a time |
Latency |
potentially BIG - all results have to be generated at once! |
considerable on page boundary - new page needs to be fetched |
small - next page is always pre-fetched in background |
Suitable operations |
- in general: operations with empty result set (non-SELECTs) - as possible optimisation: SELECTs with LIMIT clause |
- for advanced users who prefer more control over paging, with less overhead of |
- in general: all SELECTs |