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is represented as rust tuples of max 16 elements.
use futures::TryStreamExt;
// Insert a tuple of int and string into the table
let to_insert: (i32, String) = (1, "abc".to_string());
.query_unpaged("INSERT INTO keyspace.table (a) VALUES(?)", (to_insert,))
// Read a tuple of int and string from the table
let mut iter = session.query_iter("SELECT a FROM keyspace.table", &[])
.rows_stream::<((i32, String),)>()?;
while let Some((tuple_value,)) = iter.try_next().await? {
let int_value: i32 = tuple_value.0;
let string_value: String = tuple_value.1;
println!("({}, {})", int_value, string_value);